Our Worship

Services are at the heart of the church’s life when we are enriched by our worship and by meeting with each other in a relaxed way.  Apart from all-age worship and special services, worship tends towards the traditional but there is variety. This is partly due to services being led by a variety of people.  There is a strong feeling of family, with children playing an important part in the church’s life.  Usually after the early part of the service the children leave for activities appropriate for their age in rooms adjoining the sanctuary.  

Our service starts at 10.30am and lasts an hour.  There is a relaxed atmosphere both before and during the service, with coffee being served after the service.

Communion is usually celebrated on the second Sunday of the month.  The invitation is to all, including children, to take part.

As well as the usual Festivals, there will also be services during the year focusing on particular themes eg Christian Aid, the environment, even the occasional pet service!




Click here to view our past services.