We are a small, lively, family-friendly church with an informal style of worship. Every member of the congregation is valued and we are a recognised Child Friendly Church. In 2020 we became the first Gold Eco Church in the United Reformed Church. The church benefits from its peaceful setting, opposite the village green and backing onto fields. That, and its simple sanctuary, provide a welcoming place for worship.
What we believe
Our faith is in one God, present in all that we do and think and feel. The best guide we have to God is Jesus, who shows that the deepest meaning to life is love. And God’s Spirit inspires us to know God’s love and to share with each other the love that Jesus preached. Faith is experienced rather than learned.
Being part of of St. John’s Church enables us:
- to celebrate what is good in life
- to explore Jesus’ way of love
- to share the biblical witness to the Spirit’s working