Over Christmas 2023

Carols by Candlelight 24th Dec 2023

At our Nativity Service we were told that the story did not end in Bethlehem as Mary and Joseph and Jesus had to escape to Egypt as refugees. We need to remember that there are still so many refugees in our world today.

Marsh Green Christmas Lights were turned on on Saturday 2nd December, with the Town Band playing before an enthusiastic audience. And of course seasonal refreshments!
King’s Coronation Big Lunch
The village and church joined together on Sunday 7th May for an afternoon of fun, food, music and maypole dancing to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. The afternoon was a great success and our thanks to all those involved in organising this event.

Easter Newsletter 2023
The latest newsletter, Easter 2023, has been circulated. Many thanks to all those involved in producing this and we hope you enjoy reading it!
Marsh Green Christmas Lights 2022
On Saturday 3rd December Marsh Green village, members of the church and the Edenbridge Town band joined together for carols and the turning on of the Marsh Green village lights. It was a wonderful evening and a glorious start to the festive season.

Christmas Fair 2022
Marsh Green URC's Christmas Fair was a huge success with an incredible amount raised. We would like to thank everyone for support the Christmas Fair and many thanks for all the people involved with the organisation of the is event.

Eco Service 2022
Our Eco Service on the theme 'Water for Life' took place in the garden under the oak tree in much appreciated shade, and included a brief wander round the very dry nature reserve (though with its new pond) to think about the signs of water (or lack of it). How fortunate we are to have such a good place to worship.

Summer Tea 2022
Our second Summer tea event took place on one of the hottest days. Visitors were able to find shade to enjoy sitting in the peaceful garden and to visit our new pond in the nature reserve. There was a good selection of tea and cakes to enjoy too! It was a happy occasion for us all. The last Summer Tea this summer is on August 20th.

Children’s Service July 2022
The service on Sunday 3rd July was led by member of Junior Church with Tom Chatfield providing the music during and after the service. It was a very powerful service based on the situation in Ukraine and gave the congregation a lot to think about. The sermon slot was a sketch written by the young people about a dream two Ukrainian sisters had where President Putin was asked to stop the war. He said he would think about it - and then they woke up! We are very grateful to the young people for all the hard work they put into the service.
Upcoming Events May 2022
We are delighted to share details of our Friends and Family Fun event on Sunday 15th May. From 12.00 noon to 2pm we will be holding a church community event which will include lunch and cake. There will be activities for all ages including a Rhythm and Sound session with Geoff Tanner and 'Arty and Crafty' with Anthony Shipwright.
It was wonderful to see so many families at the Fun Afternoon. A buffet lunch was enjoyed by all and the children then enjoyed fun activities whilst the adults chatted over tea and cake.

Christmas Services 2021
Unfortunately services due to take place on 19th December (Nativity Service), 24th December (Carol Service) and Christmas Day have been cancelled.
It has been a really difficult decision to cancel the planned Christmas services due to the rise in covid cases but we were mindful of safeguarding people's health. We remember though that the church itself is not closed because "the church is the people" to quote a song we sing from time to time. We hope everyone will be able to find a broadcast or online service if they wish to join one in a different way.
We wish everyone a Happy Christmas.
Advent Fair 2021
Saturday 20th November was Marsh Green URC's annual advent fair. A huge thank you to all those people who worked so hard preparing for the advent fair and to those people who came and spent their money so generously. Over £600 has been raised which is an incredible amount in the present circumstances.

Harvest Newsletter 2021
The latest 'Harvest' edition of St John's URC Marsh Green News Letter is hot off the press! Features include:
- Graham's final 'Minister's Letter'
- Up coming services during October and November
- Requests for assistance
- Harvest colouring competition entries and lots more
Please click on the link below to see the latest news letter.